The supreme spiritual council issued a statement

The Supreme Spiritual Council under the presidency of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, referring to the external and internal challenges, geopolitical and regional developments facing Armenia and Artsakh after the 44-day catastrophic war, states:

  • The Azerbaijani authorities continue their reprehensible hostile attitude towards Armenia, Artsakh and the Armenian people. After signing the tripartite statement, Azerbaijan regularly resorts to provocations on the borders of Armenia and Artsakh, strikes at the civilian population, continues to detain prisoners of war, destroys and appropriates the Armenian spiritual and cultural heritage in the territories under its control.
  • In the context of geopolitical events, the Armenian authorities and national structures should be vigilant so that the right of the people of Artsakh to self-determination does not become a subject of bargaining.
  • Peace cannot be established through the humiliation of national dignity, in the conditions of incessant encroachments on the territorial integrity of our state, the presence of prisoners of war, constant threats from Azerbaijan, and anti-Armenian propaganda. Peace must be based on the principles of justice, dignity and respect for rights.
  • Regardless of existing pressures, external threats, especially in the context of internal social polarization, the authorities of Armenia and Artsakh should not take steps that threaten the independent Armenian statehood and the future of Artsakh, should not compromise on the issue of commitment to the fundamental rights of the nation and the pursuit of historical justice .
  • The Supreme Spiritual Council, deeply concerned about the current difficult situation, internal political events in the Motherland, relying on the mercy of the Most High Lord and the wisdom of our people, calls:
  • Give priority to national-state interests, act with a clear conscience, seek worthy solutions to problems exclusively in our common will and unity,
  • To make every effort both in the homeland and in the diaspora to strengthen our national unity in the name of strengthening the homeland, to raise the issue of violation of the rights of our people in the international arena, to achieve international recognition of the Armenian Genocide and to fight for our identity and the protection of spiritual and national values,
  • Show tolerance, law-abidingness, respect for each other's rights in internal political processes, at peaceful meetings, regardless of political views or official functions, excluding any type of violence, disproportionate use of force, provocation or violation of the law. Words of hatred, insults and inciting hatred never bring good.

The Supreme Spiritual Council calls on our pious people scattered all over the world to continue to support our sisters and brothers in Artsakh, to be ready to contribute to the strengthening, peaceful and safe life of the Republic of Artsakh.

We rise a prayer for peace and progress in our country, asking for the blessings and help of the Almighty for our people.

May the prayer for the motherland always resound from the lips of our people.

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