Radio channel 107.5 "Nshkhar"
On May 11, 2023, within the framework of the Diocese of Artsakh’s Christian Education and Culture Center, the "Nshkhar" Radio Station was established, broadcasting on frequency 107.5. Until the forced displacement of Artsakh’s population in 2023, the station operated in Stepanakert and surrounding villages, as well as through the Diocese’s official website.
Now, the radio station functions exclusively online, thanks to the collaboration between the Diocese of Artsakh’s "YNTSA" Social-Spiritual-Psychological Center and the "AMSAR" Social-Educational Charitable NGO.
The station broadcasts spiritual programs, Bible readings and commentaries, sermons, and other materials on national, cultural, and spiritual topics.
The primary goal of the station is to renew our Christian faith based on the Holy Scripture and the sacred traditions of the Church.
You can follow the radio station through the Diocese of Artsakh’s official website or the Armchurch application.
By tuning into the station, you can find answers to many spiritual questions and grow stronger in faith in Christ, “for the wise will become wiser by listening, and the educated will gain a guide for life” (Proverbs 1:5).