1. Basic information
Name of the applicant organization |
Program name |
"Equal conditions of cleanliness and care" |
2. Description of the problem / Analysis of the situation
In 2020, the 44-day war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh on September 27 naturally brought many losses and injuries to the people of Artsakh. The war took something of value from everyone. Many people were forced to leave their place of birth and move to different settlements in Artsakh and Armenia in search of asylum and security. Many of the families of immigrants from different settlements of Artsakh, who went through the hardships of the war, settled in the city of Martakert.
After all this, housing and living problems and the resulting socio-psychological problems in Martakert became even more escalated. At present, about 240 families of internally displaced persons from different regions of Artsakh live in the city of Martakert - about 908 people. Many settled in houses that have not been inhabited for many years and are deprived of elementary communal and living conditions. There are also many families and individuals who actually lived in Martakert before the war and have been deprived of average elementary living conditions for years. Even the need for a bath, which is considered a hygienic priority, remains unsatisfied for weeks and months in these families. Some of them do not have the opportunity to observe personal hygiene, often also because of lacking knowledge and skills. As a result of all this, they are discriminated against on the street, in medical institutions, and in various state and non-state institutions, without being able to defend even their basic rights.
Therefore, we plan to have such an institution in the city of Martakert, where the above-mentioned beneficiaries will be able to take a bath once a week, receive clean clothes and food.
3. Project Beneficiaries (Direct and mediocre)
This program is intended for socially vulnerable families and citizens living in the city of Martakert who do not have a bathroom at home or face difficulties in organizing of taking bath.
At least 40 such beneficiaries of different gender and age were selected based on a detailed needs assessment conducted by community social workers.
The immediate beneficiary of the project is the community of Martakert, as it will contribute to the improvement of living standards in the community and social inclusion.
4. The purpose and objectives of the project
The main goal of the project is to provide a solution to the problem of organization of taking bath in Martakert, which seems small, but in fact is primary for the beneficiary group of the project, which in turn will prevent the occurrence or exacerbation of many other medical, social, psychological problems.
As a result of the project, we plan to solve the following tasks:
- On the territory of the center of spiritual culture of Martakert belonging to the Artsakh Diocese, build a bathroom with several separate shower cabins,
- to enable beneficiaries of the program to satisfy the vital need for a bath 1-2 times a week free of charge.
- development and inclusion of other social programs, humanitarian assistance (clothes, one-time hot meals on-site, etc.).
5. Project activities
- Collection of financial and material resources,
- Bathroom construction,
- Employment of an employee who cleans the bathroom,
- Purchase of a washing machine and necessary hygiene items,
- Involvement of beneficiaries in the organization of cleaning work with additional remuneration,
- Providing vouchers to beneficiaries will entitle them to free use of the service.
6. Expected results
As a result, we expect to receive a free bathroom, where at least 40 people can take a bath and get clean clothes once a week. As a result, the quality of life of the above-mentioned people will improve, and a more positive and non-discriminatory attitude towards these people will form in society.
7. Project stability
We plan to ensure the stability of the project through "AMSAR" NGO.