In response to inappropriate assumptions about the Artsakh Diocese

Թեմակալ առաջնորդի խոսքը

Dear compatriots!

On June 1 this year in the basement hall of the Church of the Holy Mother of God in Stepanakert, the founding forum of the public movement “Front for the Development and Security of Artsakh” was held, which gave rise to various erroneous and inappropriate opinions.

Indeed, the Church is not a political platform and cannot serve the interests of any party or political force, but at the same time, the Church goes towards any national and patriotic initiative, whether it be individuals, politicians, or parties. For example, the Artsakh Diocese always participates and leads the torchlight procession organized by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation on April 24, because this is a nationwide event, and this does not make the Church a party. Recently, members of the aforementioned movement also organized a signature collection called “No to the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh”, which was joined by all the dioceses of our Church, more than 400,000 Armenians, and this is again outside the narrow party event.

The Artsakh Diocese is well aware that at present, by a special decree of the President of the Republic of Artsakh, meetings and demonstrations are prohibited if they are not aimed at issues of self-determination of Artsakh and do not have the goal of consolidation, therefore, having familiarized ourselves with the programs of the above-mentioned social movement and the goals of national consolidation, we gave our blessing and agreement to hold a conference in the basement hall of the church. Of course, the organizers of the movement had the opportunity to organize their event in other, more comfortable, and well-lit halls, but they expressed a desire to start their initiative with the blessing of the church, which is naturally welcome.

Dear compatriots, the church is the house of God, is open to everyone, and is ready to bless any nationwide good undertaking. The current situation in Artsakh makes us be wiser and more united, therefore unity around the love and blessing of Christ is above any personal and narrow group interests.

® Artsakh Diocese Information Department
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