Descendants of St. Ghevond nowadays

“For the sake of the Motherland and for the sake of faith”: this awareness has always been at the core of the Armenian Church. The clergy has made its contribution to this day by becoming participants in the Artsakh wars. Carrying the spirit of St. Ghevond the Priest and His Companions, the clergy stood next to the soldiers both in prayer and physically. Seeing such heavy losses, it was difficult to inspire and instill hope in the soldiers, but the chaplains did everything possible and impossible to keep the morale of the soldiers at a high level.

“Drawing strength from the image of St. Ghevond, we were able to carry out our service on the battlefield.” says a chaplain who participated in the war.

In the report, the clergy who received the high order of honor “Ghevond Yerets” talk about their path.

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